1750 Adetten Fazla Türkiye'nin En Güzel Villa Modelleri İçin Resme Tıklayabilirsiniz..

Dinamik Mimarlık – Dinamik Kule

I want to introduce you this incredible idea,this is my interest,I like the strong connection between technology and Architecture. I put this from the main website.

The Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving shape that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time.

The Dynamic Tower is environmentally friendly, with the ability to generate electricity for itself as well as other buildings nearby making it the first building designed to be self-powered, it achieves this feat with wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor. An 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.

The Dynamic Tower is also the first skyscraper to be built entirely from prefabricated parts that are custom made in a workshop, resulting of fast construction and of substantial cost savings . this approach known as the Fisher Method, also requires far less workers on construction site while each floor of the building can be completed in only seven days, units can also be customized according to the owners needs and styles.

Dr. Fisher states, “Today’s life is dynamic, so the space we are living in should be dynamic as well, adjustable to our needs that change continuously, to our concept of design and to our mood, buildings will follow the rhythms of nature, they will change direction and shape from spring to summer, from sunrise to sunset, and adjust themselves to the weather, buildings will be alive.

“From now on, buildings will have four dimensions, the fourth dimension is ‘Time’ to become part of architecture,” Dr. Fisher added. “Buildings in motion will shape the sky line of our cities.


By combining motion, green energy and efficient construction, the Dynamic Tower will change

architecture as we know it, and will start a new era of Dynamic Living

Take a look at more Pictures and Details


Hakkında: SerMimar

Osmanlılarda mimarbaşı, SerMimaran-ı hassa. osmanlı hanedanının ve büyük devlet adamlarının yaptıracakları binaların projelerini yapmak ve bunların uygulanması için gerekli mimarları, teknik elemanları atamak, büyük kentlerdeki mimarları atamak, hassa mimarlarını yetiştirmek, kent ve kasabalardaki bütün mimar ve ustaların kayıtlarını tutmak SerMimar'ın görevleri arasındaydı.


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